Lesson 5
Element Query Operators

Welcome back! You've done a fantastic job so far, mastering topics such as projections, comparison query operators, querying arrays and embedded documents, and logical query operators. Now, we're moving forward to explore another set of MongoDB query operators — Element Query Operators.

Element Query Operators Overview

Element Query Operators in MongoDB comprise just two operators: $exists and $type. Here's what each one does:

  • $exists: This operator is ideal for handling optional fields or evolving schemas where some documents may or may not contain certain fields. It helps identify documents that either include or lack specific fields.

  • $type: This operator is useful for ensuring data integrity and querying fields with multiple types, often due to varying external data sources or specific requirements. It allows fields to store different types of information.

Getting Hands Dirty with `$exists`

The $exists operator matches documents based on whether a specified field exists. When $exists is set to true, it matches documents where the field is present, regardless of its value. Conversely, when $exists is set to false, it matches documents where the field is absent.

Imagine that we want to find comic books with optional alternate titles. Here’s how we can do this:

1use comic_book_store_db 2 3db.comic_books.find({ "alternate_title": { $exists: true } }, { title: 1, alternate_title: 1, _id: 0 })

In this example, we're using $exists to verify if an alternate_title field is present. If the field exists, MongoDB returns the document. We also use projection to return only the title and alternate_title fields, excluding the _id field.

Delving into Data Types with `$type`

The $type operator allows you to query based on the BSON data type of the fields. This is particularly useful when dealing with documents that might have fields with varying data types.

For example, let's say the software developers have been inconsistent with the rating field in the database. Sometimes it's recorded as a string, like "Very good" or "Excellent", and other times it's recorded as a float number, like 8.7. To query documents based on the field type, you can do the following:

1use comic_book_store_db 2 3db.comic_books.find({ rating: { $type: "string" } }, { title: 1, rating: 1, _id: 0 })

In this example, $type is used to find documents where the rating field is of the string type. MongoDB returns all documents that match this criterion. The projection here displays only the title and rating fields, excluding the _id field.


You’ve now learned to handle more specific query requirements using the $exists and $type element query operators in MongoDB. Up next are the practice exercises! You'll write real queries on the comic_book_store_db database in the CodeSignal IDE. Good luck, and remember: practice makes perfect!

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