Unlock the potential of MongoDB, the leading NoSQL database in the tech industry. This course path offers data analysts practical skills to efficiently manage, query, and manipulate data using MongoDB's flexible schema and powerful features.
This learning path includes:
4 courses with bite-sized lessons and practices
25 engaging lessons in text and video formats
113 hands-on practices in our state-of-the art IDE
One-on-one guidance from Cosmo, our AI tutor
Explore MongoDB, a powerful NoSQL database for modern applications. This course introduces basic concepts, including MongoDB servers, clients, collections, and documents. Gain hands-on experience with CRUD operations and learn to handle data within MongoDB's flexible schema. By the end, you'll have a solid understanding of the core concepts needed to work with MongoDB.
Understand how to define schemas, validate data types, and manage various data relationships in MongoDB. This section covers one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships, as well as schema validation.
Delve into advanced read operations in MongoDB, including using projection, comparison, logical, and element operators. This section also covers querying embedded fields and arrays, along with understanding cursor behaviors. We will be using the "comic_book_store_db" database.
Explore advanced update operations in MongoDB, including updating multiple fields, using array selectors, and managing document structure with upsert and other modifiers.
Our built-in AI guide and tutor, Cosmo, prompts you with challenges that are built just for you and unblocks you when you get stuck.