Structs, Functions, and Modules in Elixir
This course covers functions and modules in Elixir, including defining functions, working with modules, and creating structs and anonymous functions. This prepares the groundwork for understanding the basics of functional programming in Elixir.
Lessons and practices
Modify the Greeting Message
Fix the Farewell Function
Handle Two Arguments in Functions
Complete the Greeting Function
Adding a Title
Write a Greeting Function
Changing Behavior with Modules
Fix the Bug in StarWars Module
Complete the Chef Module
Write an Artist Module
Creating Performer and Show Modules
Add a New Struct Field
Fix a Struct Initialization Bug
Adding Data with Structs
Adding a Movie Struct
Creating a Musician Struct
Modify the Anonymous Function
Debug the Anonymous Function
Anonymous Function for Farewell
Marvel at Superpowers
Anonymous Functions from Scratch
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