Lesson 4
Introduction to Anonymous Functions
Introduction to Anonymous Functions

Welcome back! In your previous lessons, you learned about modules and structs in Elixir. These concepts helped you write more organized and efficient code. Today, we're diving into another fascinating topic — anonymous functions.

Anonymous functions are fundamental in Elixir and many other functional programming languages. They allow you to create functions without giving them a name. You'll find them especially useful for short-lived tasks and for passing functions as arguments to other functions.

What You'll Learn

In this section, we will cover:

  1. How to define an anonymous function.
  2. How to invoke (or call) an anonymous function.
  3. How to pass multiple arguments to an anonymous function.
  4. Practical uses of anonymous functions in your code.

We'll start with some basic examples to get you familiar with the syntax and usage:

1greet = fn name -> IO.puts "Hello, #{name}!" end 2greet.("Alice") 3 4add = fn (a, b) -> a + b end 5result = add.(5, 3) 6IO.puts result

In these examples:

  1. We define an anonymous function greet that takes a single parameter, name, and prints a greeting message. We then call this anonymous function by passing the argument "Alice".
  2. We define another anonymous function add that takes two parameters, a and b, and returns their sum. We then call this anonymous function by passing the arguments 5 and 3, and print the result.
Why Anonymous Functions Matter

Anonymous functions are significant for several reasons:

  1. Flexibility: You can create and use functions on the fly without worrying about naming them. This is particularly useful for small, quick tasks.

  2. Higher-Order Functions: Elixir allows you to pass anonymous functions as arguments to other functions. This capability enriches your coding possibilities by enabling higher-order functions and functional programming techniques. We'll explore higher-order functions in the next course of this learning journey.

  3. Modularity: Anonymous functions help you write more modular and concise code. By breaking down complex operations into smaller anonymous functions, you can make your code easier to read and maintain.

Are you excited to harness the power of anonymous functions in Elixir? Let’s move on to the practice section where you'll get hands-on experience with these flexible and powerful tools!

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