Schemas and Relations in MongoDB
Understand how to define schemas, validate data types, and manage various data relationships in MongoDB. This section covers one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships, as well as schema validation.
Lessons and practices
Insert Book Document in MongoDB
Add ObjectId to Book Document
Insert Book with Nested Document and Array
Extending Book Document with Numeric Fields
Adding Date and Timestamp Fields
One-to-One Relationships in MongoDB
Refactor Embedded to Referenced One-to-One Relationship
Refactor to Use Embedded Documents
Designing a MongoDB Schema for an Online Bookstore
One-to-Many Relationship Example
Refactor Embedded Documents to Referenced Documents
Embedding Comments in MongoDB
Many-to-Many Relations in MongoDB
Refactor Embedded Documents to Referenced Documents
Enhance Script with Many-to-Many Relationship
Schema Validation Basics in MongoDB
Update Journal Year Field Validation
Validating Basic Fields
Validating Nested Documents
Validating Array Fields
Adding Schema Validation to Existing Collection
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