Lesson 2
Mastering JavaScript Variables and Operators
Introduction and Overview

Let's explore JavaScript variables — the essential containers for storing data — along with assignment and equality operators, which facilitate our interaction with these variables. After this lesson, you'll understand how to define, use variables, and comprehend the operators.

Understanding Variables

Think of a variable in JavaScript as a box. This box stores data that can be changed, accessed, and manipulated within a program. Variables are declared in two ways: let and const, each with its own characteristics:

1let age = 20; 2const year = 1900; // A constant. Its value can't change. 3 4age = 21; // Variables created with let can be reassigned.
JavaScript Null and Undefined Types

In JavaScript, we frequently encounter situations in which a variable doesn't have a value. In such cases, the null and undefined types come into play.

Imagine you possess a flower jar (variable), but it's empty. There is no flower inside. This absence of content is what null in JavaScript represents — an intentionally empty or non-existent value.

Suppose you have a label for a candy jar, but you don't actually have the jar. This is where undefined comes in. It indicates that a variable has been declared, but doesn't yet hold any value.

Here's a code example to illustrate:

1let flowerJar = null; // we have an empty flower jar 2console.log(flowerJar); // outputs: null 3 4let candyJar; // we have a label for a candy jar, but no actual jar 5console.log(candyJar); // outputs: undefined
Naming Variables in JavaScript

Choosing good variable names makes your code easier to understand. When naming JavaScript variables, remember that:

  • They are case-sensitive.
  • They should be descriptive.
  • They can't start with a number.
  • They can contain only letters, numbers, $, and _.

Here are some good examples:

1let myFavoriteColor; 2let message1; 3let $location;
Assignment Operators

Assignment operators assign values to variables. The most common operator is =, but JavaScript also includes +=, -=, *=, /=, and %=. Have a look:

1let x = 10; // x is 10 2x += 5; // adding 5 to x makes x 15 3x -= 3; // subtracting 3 from x makes x 12 4x *= 2; // multiplying x by 2 makes x 24
Dissecting Assignment and Equality Operators
  • Assignment Operator (=): The assignment operator assigns a value to its left operand based on the value of its right operand.
1let x = 5; // x is now 5
  • Equality and Strict Equality Operators (== and ===): The double equals operator (==) checks equality in value, whereas the triple equals operator (===) checks equality in both value and type.
1console.log(5 == '5'); // true 2console.log(5 === '5'); // false
  • Inequality and Strict Inequality Operators (!= and !==): The double not equals operator (!=) checks for inequality in value, whereas the triple not equals operator (!==) checks for inequality in either value or type.
1console.log(5 != '5'); // false 2console.log(5 !== '5'); // true
Lesson Summary

Congratulations! We've explored JavaScript variables, learning about declaring and assigning them, and delved into understanding assignment and equality operators.

Now, it's time to practice. Engage with these concepts to gain confidence in using them in coding projects. Remember: practice makes perfect! Happy coding!

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