Lesson 1
Introduction to the Command Pattern in Scala

Hello there, and welcome to the "Behavioral Patterns in Scala" course! Behavioral patterns are design patterns that concentrate on how objects interact and communicate within your code, promoting flexible and dynamic relationships. They help you construct maintainable and adaptable software by defining effective ways (behaviors) for objects to interact and collaborate.

In this first lesson, we'll explore the Command Pattern, a crucial design pattern that enables you to create flexible, modular, and reusable code by encapsulating requests as objects. Whether you're prototyping a smart home system or developing a gaming engine, this pattern offers elegant solutions for managing requests and invoking operations dynamically. Let's get started!

Understanding the Command Pattern

The Command Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that encapsulates a request as an object, allowing you to parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operations. It decouples the object that invokes the operation from the one that knows how to perform it, promoting loose coupling and enhancing scalability.

By transforming requests into stand-alone objects, the Command Pattern enables you to:

  • Decouple the sender and receiver: The sender issues a request without needing to know anything about the receiver's implementation.
  • Implement undo/redo functionality: Commands can store state for reversing their effects.
  • Support batch operations: Queue, log, or schedule requests for later execution.
Components of the Command Pattern

Let's delve into the main components of the Command Pattern:

  • Command: A trait (i.e., interface) or abstract class that declares the method for executing an action.
  • Concrete Commands: Classes that implement the Command trait and define specific actions by binding a receiver to an action.
  • Receiver: The object that performs the actual work when the command is executed.
  • Invoker: The object that calls the command to carry out the request.
  • Client: The application that creates concrete command instances and associates them with receivers.

Each part plays an integral role in decoupling the sender and receiver, allowing for a modular and flexible system. Let's proceed to see how each part is realized in code!

Implementing the Command pattern: Command Trait

We start by defining the Command trait with an execute method that all concrete commands will implement. This method is implemented by all concrete commands, establishing a unified method signature for executing various commands, making the system easily extensible.

1trait Command: 2 // Defines the method for executing commands. 3 def execute(): Unit

In addition to establishing a unified interface, the Command trait ensures that the system adheres to the Dependency Inversion Principle of SOLID design. By relying on abstractions rather than concrete implementations, the system becomes more modular and testable. For instance, any new feature—like dimming a light or setting a timer—can be added simply by creating a new concrete command without modifying existing code.

Implementing the Command pattern: Receiver

The Receiver contains the business logic to perform the actions associated with the request. In other words, it is responsible of doing the actual actions. In our example, the Light class is the receiver, capable of being turned on or off.

1class Light: 2 // Turns the light on. 3 def on(): Unit = 4 println("Light is on.") 5 6 // Turns the light off. 7 def off(): Unit = 8 println("Light is off.")

This approach ensures that any updates to the functionality (e.g., adding a dimming feature for the light) are localized within the Receiver class. It also provides a clear separation of responsibilities, reducing dependencies between components.

Implementing the Command pattern: Concrete Commands

Concrete command classes implement the Command trait and are responsible for invoking the receiver's methods. They encapsulate the receiver and perform necessary actions. We illustrate this with the LightOnCommand, acting as an intermediary to translate user actions into receiver method calls.

1class LightOnCommand(light: Light) extends Command: 2 // Executes the 'on' action on the light. 3 def execute(): Unit = 4 light.on()

Similarly, the LightOffCommand concrete command class turns the light off by invoking the receiver's off method.

1class LightOffCommand(light: Light) extends Command: 2 // Executes the 'off' action on the light. 3 def execute(): Unit = 4 light.off()
Implementing the Command pattern: Invoker

The invoker sends a request to execute a command. It holds a command object and triggers execution. In our example, the RemoteControl class acts as the invoker, managing command execution without knowing the details of the operations performed. Note that we also leverage Scala's Option for handling nullable commands.

1class RemoteControl: 2 // Holds the command to be executed. 3 private var command: Option[Command] = None 4 5 // Sets the command to be executed. 6 def setCommand(command: Command): Unit = 7 this.command = Some(command) 8 9 // Executes the set command, if any. 10 def pressButton(): Unit = 11 command match 12 case Some(cmd) => cmd.execute() 13 case None => println("No command set.")
Putting It All Together

Let's see how these components collaborate in a complete example, cohesively bringing the Command Pattern to life:

1@main def main(): Unit = 2 // Receiver: the light that will be controlled. 3 val light = Light() 4 5 // Concrete commands to turn the light on and off. 6 val lightOn = LightOnCommand(light) 7 val lightOff = LightOffCommand(light) 8 9 // Invoker: remote control to execute the commands. 10 val remote = RemoteControl() 11 12 // Set the command to turn the light on and press the button. 13 remote.setCommand(lightOn) 14 remote.pressButton() 15 // Output: Light is on. 16 17 // Set the command to turn the light off and press the button. 18 remote.setCommand(lightOff) 19 remote.pressButton() 20 // Output: Light is off.

In this scenario:

  • The RemoteControl is the Invoker that triggers command execution.
  • The LightOnCommand and LightOffCommand are the Concrete Commands that encapsulate actions on the receiver.
  • The Light is the Receiver that performs the actual operations.
  • The main function acts as the Client, setting up the commands and invoker.

By structuring the code this way, we achieve a flexible system where new commands can be added with minimal changes to existing code, as encapsulating requests as objects notably simplifies the design of systems involving diverse actions and receivers. 🎉


Mastering the Command Pattern is essential for crafting maintainable and scalable code. By encapsulating requests as objects, we effectively decouple the sender from the receiver, facilitating modular and adaptable systems. Imagine a smart home setup where various devices are controlled through commands. Implementing the Command Pattern allows you to effortlessly incorporate new commands for different devices without altering existing code. This flexibility minimizes bugs and streamlines code management, enhancing your software's robustness and extensibility. Embracing the Command Pattern can significantly improve your software architecture, infusing it with agility and elegance. 🌈

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