Lesson 1
Exploring Databases and Relational Data Structures
Welcome to Databases and SQL

Hello, and welcome to the magical world of databases and SQL!

First off, what is a database? A database is like a huge, digital filing cabinet where you can store, manage, and retrieve data. In this course, we'll focus on a specific type of database known as a relational database. A relational database stores data in tables, much like how an Excel file has different sheets for different sets of data.

Now, SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language, is the standard language used to interact with these databases. Think of it as a toolbox for managing and manipulating data. Whether you want to find a specific piece of data, update it, delete it, or create a new one, SQL is your go-to resource.

SQL and Its Tools - Introduction to MySQL

The tool we're going to use in these lessons is MySQL. While there are multiple database management systems that use SQL, such as PostgreSQL and SQLite, MySQL is a well-established, flexible tool. That's why we've chosen it to kickstart our SQL journey.

Additionally, MySQL's widespread use and supportive community make it an excellent starting point for beginners, ensuring you can find help and resources easily as you learn.

Your Dataset - SQL for Online Shopping

To make our data journey engaging, we're using a dataset that captures various aspects of an online shopping platform. This dataset includes detailed records of categories, customers, products, orders, and order items. For now, let's focus on one table: Categories. Here's the Categories table:


This table records each category with a unique identifier and the name of the category. With this in mind, let's move on to writing our first simple SQL command.


Sometimes you might want to know what tables are present in the database you're working with. Here is where the SHOW TABLES command comes in handy:


Executing this command returns a list of all the tables in your current database:

Understanding SQL Syntax Essentials

Learning SQL syntax effectively is crucial for communicating clearly with databases. Here are some fundamental syntax components to know:

  • Semicolon (;): Serves as the end of a statement, similar to a period in a sentence. Correct usage is crucial for clear command separation. Example: SHOW TABLES;.

  • Comments: Comments are used for adding notes or explanations within your SQL code, which are ignored during execution. SQL supports both single-line and multi-line comments.

    • Single-line comments start with --. The rest of the line after -- is ignored by SQL. For example:

      1-- This command lists all tables 2SHOW TABLES;
    • Multi-line comments are enclosed in /* and */, ignoring everything in between. These are useful for longer explanations or notes. Example:

      1/* 2The following command is used 3to display all tables in the database 4*/ 5SHOW TABLES;

Grasping the use of semicolons for statement demarcation and comments for annotating your SQL scripts ensures your queries are both effective and easily understandable.

Getting to Know a Table - Viewing All Data

Next, let's learn how to view all data from a table.

1SELECT * FROM Categories;

The SELECT keyword is used to specify the data we wish to see. The asterisk * represents our request to see all the data. Lastly, FROM Categories; instructs the database to display the data from the Categories table.

Upon executing this command, we'll receive a comprehensive list of all the data present in the Categories table. You'll get to try it in the practice section that follows.


That's a wrap for our first lesson! We've journeyed from understanding the basics of databases and SQL to learning how to write our first query. Now, you're equipped to display a list of all tables in your dataset using SHOW TABLES; and to view all data from a table with SELECT * FROM Categories;.

Now, let's apply our newly acquired knowledge to some practical exercises! The upcoming practice exercises are based on the topics covered in this lesson. These will reinforce your understanding and help you become comfortable with the basics of SQL.

Enjoy this lesson? Now it's time to practice with Cosmo!
Practice is how you turn knowledge into actual skills.