Lesson 3
Working with Remote Branches

Welcome to the lesson on "Working with Remote Branches"! Throughout this course, you have gained valuable insights into handling remote repositories effectively. In this lesson, our focus will be on managing remote branches using git push. By the end of this lesson, you'll be equipped to handle remote branches confidently and effectively, building on the skills you've acquired so far.

Mastering the "git push: Command"

The git push command is crucial for sending your committed changes to a remote repository. Here's how it works:

1git push <remote> <local-branch>:<remote-branch>

Consider you're working on a project related to marine life, and your local branch is named dolphin. You want to push these changes to a remote branch named aquatic on origin.

1git push origin dolphin:aquatic

This command takes the dolphin branch from your local repository and pushes it to the aquatic branch on the remote named origin. If the aquatic branch does not already exist on origin, Git will create it automatically for you. This allows your collaborators to access and work with the newest updates you've made, even if the branch is new to the remote. This ensures a smooth collaboration by allowing branches to be easily established on the remote without requiring prior existence.

Streamlining Workflows with "git push -u"

The -u option in git push is used to set an upstream (or tracking) relationship between your local branch and a remote branch, simplifying future push and pull operations.

If you're pushing the dolphin branch for the first time, you can set this relationship like so:

1git push -u origin dolphin

This command is equivalent to:

1git push -u origin dolphin:dolphin

In this scenario, specifying just dolphin is sufficient, as the command implicitly assumes dolphin:dolphin if the local and remote branches have the same name or creates a remote branch with the same name by default. After executing the command, you might see an output similar to this:

1Branch 'dolphin' set up to track remote branch 'dolphin' from 'origin'. 2Everything up-to-date

By doing this, future pushes can be done with simply:

1git push

This convenience is essential when working on long-term projects, as it reduces the need to specify the branch names with every push, making your workflow smoother and faster.

Setting Upstream Branches with "git branch --set-upstream-to"

In addition to using git push -u, you can set up an upstream branch using the git branch --set-upstream-to command. This is especially useful if you want to establish a tracking relationship after your initial push or when configuring existing branches.

For example, to set the upstream branch for your current local branch to main on the remote origin, you would use:

1git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/main

This command establishes a tracking relationship between your local branch and the main branch on origin, facilitating synchronization between them. By setting this relationship, your local branch will be aligned with the remote, streamlining future fetch, pull, and push operations. We'll discuss git fetch and git pull in the next lesson to achieve synchronization.

By understanding and utilizing git branch --set-upstream-to, you're empowered to manage existing branches effectively, maintaining alignment with remote branches and facilitating a smoother collaborative workflow.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Working with remote branches might present some challenges, such as:

  • Merge Conflicts: These occur when changes from multiple sources conflict with each other. It's best to resolve them by carefully merging branches locally and testing before a push.

  • Access Issues: Sometimes, permissions might restrict your ability to push changes. Ensure you have the correct access rights to the remote repository.

Incorporating best practices, such as regularly synchronizing your local copy with the remote, can help avoid these pitfalls and keep your workflow efficient.


In this lesson, we've enhanced our understanding of remote branches, focusing on the git push command and utilizing the -u option to set upstream branches. These tools are integral to maintaining a productive and harmonious collaborative coding environment. By mastering these commands, you're better prepared to manage remote branches effectively, a crucial aspect of the Git workflow. Proceed to the upcoming exercises to reinforce these skills and solidify your ability to work with remote branches efficiently.

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