Lesson 5
Understanding and Implementing POS Tagging with spaCy
Introduction to the Lesson

Hello and welcome to this lesson on Understanding and Implementing Part-of-speech (POS) Tagging with spaCy!

In this lesson, we'll discuss what POS tagging means, its importance in Natural Language Processing (NLP), and how we can effortlessly perform it using spaCy. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to process a text and tag each token (word) with its corresponding POS using spaCy.

Introduction to POS Tagging

POS tagging is the process of assigning a part-of-speech label (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) to each token (word) in a given text. For example, in the sentence "Sam eats quickly.", "Sam" is a noun, "eats" is a verb, and "quickly" is an adverb. This is important because the meaning of a sentence can significantly be determined by the POS of the words in the sentence.

When we perform POS tagging, it not only identifies the POS of a word, but also its grammatical use within the sentence. For instance, "book" can be a noun ("Sam reads a book.") or a verb ("Book a ticket for me."), and POS tagging helps in distinguishing between these uses.

In NLP tasks like parsing, text-to-speech conversion, machine translation, extraction of relationships and entities, POS tagging plays a crucial role. For example, in information extraction, if you want to extract all named entities that are 'organizations' from some text, knowing that a word is a proper noun (NNP in the detailed Penn Treebank POS tags set) may not be enough; you would need its context among other words in the text.

Understanding POS Tagging Implementation with spaCy

Implementing POS tagging in spaCy is pretty straightforward. However, it's important to note that POS tagging in spaCy is statistical, meaning it is based on statistical models that consider the context of the words in the text. When we process a text with the nlp object, spaCy tokenizes the text to create a Doc object. This Doc object carries all the computed attributes and properties that we can delve into. For POS tagging, we focus on two token attributes:

  • pos_: This is the simple part-of-speech tag, using the Universal POS tag set. It provides a general POS tag, like 'NOUN', 'VERB', 'ADV' etc.
  • tag_: This is the detailed part-of-speech tag using the Penn Treebank POS tag set. It provides detailed POS information, like 'VBZ' (verb, 3rd person singular present), 'RB' (adverb), etc.
Performing POS Tagging on a Sample Text Using spaCy

The power of any learning lies in the doing. Let's roll up our sleeves and dive into some code. For POS tagging with spaCy, we need to process the text and loop through the token properties of the processed Doc object. Let's look at how to do that.

First, we import the spaCy library and load the English language model.

1import spacy 2nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

Define a sentence of English text that we want to perform POS tagging on:

1text = "I am learning NLP and using spaCy for POS tagging."

Process this text using the nlp function to create a Doc object:

1doc = nlp(text)

Perform POS tagging on each token in the Doc object using a for loop:

1for token in doc: 2 print(f"{token.text:{10}} {token.lemma_:{10}} {token.pos_:{10}} {token.tag_:{10}}")

This small piece of code will give you the POS tagging information for each word in the text, providing the word (token.text), its base form (token.lemma_), simple POS (token.pos_), and detailed POS tag (token.tag_).

Understanding the Output and Next Steps

The output of the above code will be:

Plain text
1I I PRON PRP 2am be AUX VBP 3learning learn VERB VBG 4NLP NLP PROPN NNP 5and and CCONJ CC 6using use VERB VBG 7spaCy spacy NOUN NN 8for for ADP IN 9POS POS PROPN NNP 10tagging tagging NOUN NN 11. . PUNCT .

This output illustrates the tokenization and POS tagging of a text. Each row represents a token (word or punctuation) from the original text. The columns include the token itself, its lemma (base form), its simple POS tag, and its detailed POS tag. This tagging helps in understanding not just the role of each word in the sentence, but also its base form, which is crucial for many NLP tasks.

Lesson Summary and Upcoming Tasks

What a journey that was! We moved from understanding POS tagging to implementing it using spaCy and working through a practical example. You've now gained a significant NLP skill and you should be able to process a text using spaCy and perform POS tagging on it.

As we transition into the practice tasks, it's important to remember that learning is an iterative process. The more you do, the more you learn and reinforce that learning. The next practice tasks will allow you to apply what you've learnt today and cement this new knowledge. Happy tagging!

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