Lesson 1

Decoding Starlight: Understanding Error Messages in JavaScript

Introduction: A Gateway to Error Messages

Hello, eager learner! Today, we will examine error messages in JavaScript. When our code behaves unexpectedly, a red flag, in the form of an error message, informs us. In this lesson, we will learn how to use these guiding components to make course corrections in our code.

An Insight Into Error Messages in JavaScript

We all make mistakes, and it is crucial to learn from them. Consider the first time you played baseball and missed your throw. Your throw was guided by error messages. Each time you missed, you adjusted your aim, bringing you closer to your target. Error messages in programming function quite similarly to this analogy. They guide us in finding and correcting issues in our code.

Error messages in JavaScript typically consist of three parts: line number (e.g., solution.js:2 means the error is in the 2nd line), the error name (like ReferenceError, SyntaxError, etc.), and a descriptive error message.

Consider this snippet:


This code throws a ReferenceError on line 1 with the message "name is not defined". Here, we attempt to refer to the name variable. However, as it has not been defined yet, JavaScript throws an error.

Decoding Common Error Messages in JavaScript with Examples

Another common error we often encounter is the SyntaxError, which occurs when JavaScript encounters syntax that it doesn't understand.

Consider this JavaScript code:

1console.log("Hello, World)

This code throws a SyntaxError on line 1 with the message "Invalid or unexpected token". Can you spot the mistake? That's right; we've forgotten to close the string with a ". Add the closing quotation mark, rerun the code, and the error will disappear. Great job! You've just debugged your first piece of code!

Lesson Summary - The Road Ahead

Well done! Today, you learned about error messages in JavaScript. They aren't stumbling blocks but helpful signposts that guide us in finding and correcting issues.

Remember, it isn't necessary to memorize every error message. Understanding how they guide us is far more important. In the upcoming practice sessions, we'll examine more error examples. So, hold tight! We're about to embark on an exciting ride through the world of debugging. Happy coding!

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