Lesson 2

Introduction to the Observer Pattern

Introduction to the Observer Pattern

Welcome back! We're continuing our exploration of Behavioral Patterns in C++. In this lesson, we will delve into the Observer Pattern, another fundamental pattern that emphasizes object communication and responsibility distribution. This pattern allows an object, known as the subject, to maintain a list of its dependents, called observers, and notify them automatically of any state changes, usually by calling one of their methods.

Previously, we looked at the Command Pattern, which encapsulates a request as an object. Now, let's build on that knowledge and explore how the Observer Pattern facilitates communication between objects in a seamless and efficient manner.

What You'll Learn

In this lesson, you will learn how to implement the Observer Pattern by understanding its main components and their roles. We'll break down the pattern into manageable parts and demonstrate its practical use through clear examples.

Here's a simple illustration to get you started:

We start with defining a NewsPublisher class that maintains a list of subscribers. When new news is published, the NewsPublisher notifies all subscribers by calling their update method. Each Subscriber can then process the news as needed.

1class NewsPublisher { 2public: 3 void addSubscriber(Subscriber* subscriber) { 4 subscribers.push_back(subscriber); 5 } 6 7 void removeSubscriber(Subscriber* subscriber) { 8 subscribers.erase(std::remove(subscribers.begin(), subscribers.end(), subscriber), subscribers.end()); 9 } 10 11 void publish(const std::string& news) { 12 for (auto subscriber : subscribers) { 13 subscriber->update(news); 14 } 15 } 16 17private: 18 std::vector<Subscriber*> subscribers; 19};

Now, let's define the Subscriber interface and a concrete implementation ConcreteSubscriber that prints the received news to the console.

1class Subscriber { 2public: 3 virtual void update(const std::string& news) = 0; 4 virtual ~Subscriber() {} 5}; 6 7class ConcreteSubscriber : public Subscriber { 8public: 9 ConcreteSubscriber(const std::string& name) : name(name) {} 10 11 void update(const std::string& news) override { 12 std::cout << name << " received news: " << news << std::endl; 13 } 14 15private: 16 std::string name; 17};

Finally, we demonstrate the Observer Pattern in action by creating a NewsPublisher, adding subscribers, publishing news, and removing a subscriber.

1int main() { 2 NewsPublisher* newsPublisher = new NewsPublisher(); 3 Subscriber* subscriber1 = new ConcreteSubscriber("Subscriber 1"); 4 Subscriber* subscriber2 = new ConcreteSubscriber("Subscriber 2"); 5 6 newsPublisher->addSubscriber(subscriber1); 7 newsPublisher->addSubscriber(subscriber2); 8 9 newsPublisher->publish("Breaking News 1"); 10 newsPublisher->removeSubscriber(subscriber1); 11 newsPublisher->publish("Breaking News 2"); 12 13 delete newsPublisher; 14 delete subscriber1; 15 delete subscriber2; 16 return 0; 17}

Let's understand the key components of the Observer Pattern in this example:

  • Subject (NewsPublisher): This class maintains a list of observers and notifies them of any state changes. In this case, the NewsPublisher class has a list of Subscriber objects and notifies them when new news is published.
  • Observer (Subscriber): This class defines an interface for receiving updates from the subject. In this example, the Subscriber class has a pure virtual function update that is implemented by concrete subscribers.
  • Concrete Observer (ConcreteSubscriber): This class implements the update method to receive and process updates from the subject. In this example, the ConcreteSubscriber class prints the received news to the console.
  • Client (main function): This part of the code demonstrates how to create a NewsPublisher, add subscribers, publish news, and remove subscribers.
Use Cases of the Observer Pattern

The Observer Pattern is commonly used in scenarios where an object change needs to be communicated to multiple dependent objects automatically. Here are some typical use cases:

  1. Event Handling Systems: Popular in graphical user interfaces, where various elements (buttons, text fields) need to respond to user actions (clicks, input). For example, in an event-driven system, the GUI components (observers) update themselves in response to actions performed on the application window (subject).

  2. Data Binding: In frameworks such as MFC, .NET, or Qt, the Observer Pattern is used to bind the UI components with the underlying data model. Whenever the data changes, the UI components are automatically updated.

  3. Notification Services: Applications like news aggregators, stock market trackers, or email clients where information needs to be pushed to multiple consumers as updates occur. Subscribers are notified whenever new content is available, ensuring they always have the latest information.

  4. Distributed Systems: In microservices architectures, where services need to stay updated with the state of other services. For example, a cache service that needs to invalidate its data whenever the data source service updates its information.

  5. Model-View-Controller (MVC): In the MVC architecture, the view (UI) needs to reflect changes whenever the model (data) changes. The Observer Pattern facilitates this synchronization between the model and the view.

Pros and Cons of the Observer Pattern


  1. Decoupling: The Observer Pattern promotes loose coupling between the subject and observers. The subject doesn't need to know about the specific implementation of the observers, only that they adhere to a common interface.
  2. Scalability: Observers can be added or removed dynamically, making it easy to scale the system. New types of observers can be integrated without altering the existing subject code.
  3. Reusability: The pattern enhances code reuse. Observers and subjects can be reused independently in different contexts, provided they adhere to the same interface.
  4. Clarity and Modularity: By separating the update logic into distinct observer classes, the codebase becomes more modular and easier to understand, maintain, and extend.


  1. Potential Performance Overhead: If there are too many observers, the notification process could introduce performance overhead, as the subject must notify all observers about changes.
  2. Complex Event Handling: Managing complex dependencies and event sequences can be challenging. The system might become difficult to debug if observers trigger subsequent updates in a cascade, leading to inadvertent side effects.
  3. Memory Management: The pattern can lead to memory leaks if observers are not properly deregistered from the subject before they are destroyed. This requires careful management to ensure that resources are properly released.
  4. Unknown State of Observers: The subject has no knowledge about the state and behavior of the observers, which might lead to unexpected behaviors if an observer fails or behaves incorrectly upon notification.

These pros and cons demonstrate that while the Observer Pattern is a highly powerful tool in software design, it should be applied judiciously, keeping in mind the specific requirements and constraints of the system being developed.

Why It Matters

Mastering the Observer Pattern is crucial for designing systems where objects need to maintain synchronized states. This pattern promotes loose coupling, enhances code readability, and improves maintainability.

Consider a news publishing system where multiple subscribers (users) receive updates whenever new articles are published. The Observer Pattern ensures that all subscribers are automatically notified of the new news without the publisher needing to maintain direct dependencies on each subscriber. This design greatly simplifies future system extensions, as new subscriber types can be added without modifying existing code.

Exciting, right? The Observer Pattern unlocks the ability to create highly responsive and well-structured software systems. Let's move on to the practice section and see these concepts in action!

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