Lesson 5
Filtering Data by Date Range in Pandas
Introduction to Date Filtering

In this lesson, we'll explore how to filter time series financial data by date range using the Pandas library. Filtering data by specific date ranges is vital in financial analysis, allowing us to focus on periods of interest, such as a particular year or month. This skill is essential for traders and analysts who need to examine stock performance during specific periods, such as economic crises or fiscal quarters.

Converting Date Columns to Datetime Objects

The first step in filtering data by date is to ensure that the date column is in a suitable format. Let's start by loading the Tesla ($TSLA) stock dataset and converting the "Date" column to datetime objects using pd.to_datetime().

1import pandas as pd 2import datasets 3 4# Load TSLA dataset 5tesla_data = datasets.load_dataset('codesignal/tsla-historic-prices') 6tesla_df = pd.DataFrame(tesla_data['train']) 7 8# Convert the Date column to datetime type 9tesla_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(tesla_df['Date']) 10 11# Display initial rows to inspect the format 12print(tesla_df.head())

The output of the above code confirms that the 'Date' column is now in datetime format, which is crucial for time series analysis:

Plain text
1 Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume 20 2010-06-29 1.266667 1.666667 1.169333 1.592667 1.592667 281494500 31 2010-06-30 1.719333 2.028000 1.553333 1.588667 1.588667 257806500 42 2010-07-01 1.666667 1.728000 1.351333 1.464000 1.464000 123282000 53 2010-07-02 1.533333 1.540000 1.247333 1.280000 1.280000 77097000 64 2010-07-06 1.333333 1.333333 1.055333 1.074000 1.074000 103003500
Setting the Date Column as Index

Setting the date column as the index of the DataFrame and sorting it simplifies the process of slicing and filtering data based on dates. It also enhances performance during such operations.

Here’s how to set the "Date" column as the index and sort it:

1# Set the Date column as the index 2tesla_df.set_index('Date', inplace=True) 3 4# Sort the DataFrame based on the index 5tesla_df.sort_index(inplace=True) 6print(tesla_df.head())

The output of the above code will be:

Plain text
1 Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume 2Date 32010-06-29 1.266667 1.666667 1.169333 1.592667 1.592667 281494500 42010-06-30 1.719333 2.028000 1.553333 1.588667 1.588667 257806500 52010-07-01 1.666667 1.728000 1.351333 1.464000 1.464000 123282000 62010-07-02 1.533333 1.540000 1.247333 1.280000 1.280000 77097000 72010-07-06 1.333333 1.333333 1.055333 1.074000 1.074000 103003500

This output confirms that the Date column has successfully been set as the index of the DataFrame and successfully sorted in chronological order based on this index, ensuring an accurate timeline for subsequent analysis.

Filtering Data by Specific Date Range

With the date column converted to datetime objects, set as the index, and sorted, we can now filter the DataFrame by a specific date range. This technique is particularly useful when you need to analyze data for a specific year, month, or any custom date range.

Let’s filter the dataset for the year 2020:

1# Filtering the dataset for the year 2020 2tesla_2020 = tesla_df.loc['2020'] 3print(tesla_2020.head())

In this code, loc is a Pandas method used for label-based indexing. It allows you to select rows and columns based on labels, such as dates in this case. Here, we use loc to filter the DataFrame based on the date labels, extracting all rows corresponding to the year 2020.

The output of the above code will be:

Plain text
1 Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume 2Date 32020-01-02 28.299999 28.713333 28.114000 28.684000 28.684000 142981500 42020-01-03 29.366667 30.266666 29.128000 29.534000 29.534000 266677500 52020-01-06 29.364668 30.104000 29.333332 30.102667 30.102667 151995000 62020-01-07 30.760000 31.441999 30.224001 31.270666 31.270666 268231500 72020-01-08 31.580000 33.232666 31.215334 32.809334 32.809334 467164500

This output demonstrates the successful filtering of the DataFrame to show stock prices for the start of 2020. The simplified view focuses on the 'Open' column to display the opening stock prices at the beginning of the year, providing a quick insight into Tesla's stock performance during this period.

Other Ways to Filter by Date

We can also filter for more specific date ranges, such as a particular month or quarter:

1# Filtering data for January 2020 2tesla_jan_2020 = tesla_df.loc['2020-01'] 3print(tesla_jan_2020.head())

The output of the above code will be:

Plain text
1 Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume 2Date 32020-01-02 28.299999 28.713333 28.114000 28.684000 28.684000 142981500 42020-01-03 29.366667 30.266666 29.128000 29.534000 29.534000 266677500 52020-01-06 29.364668 30.104000 29.333332 30.102667 30.102667 151995000 62020-01-07 30.760000 31.441999 30.224001 31.270666 31.270666 268231500 72020-01-08 31.580000 33.232666 31.215334 32.809334 32.809334 467164500

To filter a quarter, the code will look like this:

1# Filtering data from January 2020 to March 2020 (Q1) 2# Unlike the common Python slicing operator, here, March 2020 (2020-03) is inclusive 3tesla_q1_2020 = tesla_df.loc['2020-01':'2020-03'] 4print(tesla_q1_2020.tail())

The output of the above code will be:

Plain text
1 Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume 2Date 32020-03-25 36.349998 37.133331 34.074001 35.950001 35.950001 318340500 42020-03-26 36.492668 37.333332 34.150002 35.210667 35.210667 260710500 52020-03-27 33.666668 35.053333 32.935333 34.290668 34.290668 215661000 62020-03-30 34.017334 34.443333 32.748669 33.475334 33.475334 179971500 72020-03-31 33.416668 36.197334 33.133331 34.933334 34.933334 266572500
Plotting the Filtered Data

After filtering the data, visualizing it can help identify patterns and trends over the specified date range. We will use Matplotlib, a popular plotting library in Python, to create a time series plot.

Let's visualize the January 2020 data and the Q1 2020 data for Tesla stock:

1import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 2 3# Plotting the filtered data for Q1 2020 4tesla_q1_2020 = tesla_df.loc['2020-01':'2020-03'] 5 6plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) 7plt.plot(tesla_q1_2020.index, tesla_q1_2020['Close'], marker='o', linestyle='-') 8plt.title('Tesla Stock Prices in Q1 2020') 9plt.xlabel('Date') 10plt.ylabel('Closing Price') 11plt.grid(True) 12plt.show()

By visualizing the data, you can gain insights into stock performance and identify trends over the specified periods, thereby enhancing your financial analysis capabilities.

Lesson Summary

In this lesson, you learned how to filter time series financial data by date ranges using the Pandas library. We covered converting date columns to datetime objects, setting the date column as the index, sorting the DataFrame chronologically, and filtering data by specific date ranges. These techniques are essential for focusing on specific periods relevant to your financial analysis or trading strategy.

Next, we will have some practice exercises to reinforce these concepts, making sure you are comfortable with filtering financial data by date. This practice will enhance your data manipulation skills, which are crucial for efficient time series analysis in trading and financial contexts. Let's get started!

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