Lesson 3
Introduction to Function Returns in Scala
Introduction to Function Returns in Scala

Welcome, learners! In this unit, we're diving into function return values in Scala programming. Function return values, often simply referred to as "returns," are results given back by a function after performing its assigned task. Let's dive in!

Using Function Returns

Let's create a function that returns a result. Suppose we want our function to perform a calculation — for instance, adding two numbers in a calculator program. Here's how we can write a function that adds two numbers and returns the sum:

1def addNumbers(num1: Int, num2: Int): Int = 2 // This function adds num1 and num2 and returns the sum. 3 num1 + num2 4 5@main def run: Unit = 6 // Call addNumbers with 5 and 7 as arguments and print the returned value 7 println(addNumbers(5, 7)) // Output: 12

This function definition starts with the def keyword followed by the function name (addNumbers), a parameter list in parentheses (num1: Int, num2: Int), and the return type (: Int). The function body follows the = symbol. The value of the last expression in the function (in this case, num1 + num2) is the returned result.

Exploring Data Types in Returns

Returns are not always simple numbers as in the example above. A function can return any type of data from the range Scala supports, including Int, String, Double, Boolean, Char, and Long. Let's explore this further using the calculation of a circle's area as an example:

1def circleArea(radius: Double) = 2 // This function calculates the circle's area and returns it. 3 3.14 * radius * radius 4 5@main def run: Unit = 6 println(circleArea(5)) // Output: 78.5

In this example, the function circleArea takes a Double parameter named radius and returns a Double representing the area of the circle. The function uses the standard formula for the area of a circle (πr²) with 3.14 as the approximation for π. The return type in this case is not explicitly specified; Scala can infer that the result is a Double based on the expression. However, it can be a good practice to specify the return type explicitly:

1def circleArea(radius: Double): Double = 2 3.14 * radius * radius 3 4@main def run: Unit = 5 println(circleArea(5)) // Output: 78.5

Here, the return type is explicitly specified after the colon :. The body of the function calculates the area and returns it as the result.

Multiple Returns

It's possible that a function has multiple return statements. When a return statement is reached, the function stops running, and all subsequent code within it is ignored. This ensures that the function exits as soon as it fulfills a condition that leads to a return. If we want to return early from a function, we should use an explicit return keyword:

1def passOrFail(score: Int): String = 2 if score > 75 then 3 return "Pass" // If this condition is met, the function immediately exits with "Pass" 4 5 "Fail" // If the condition above is not met, the function returns "Fail" 6 7@main def run: Unit = 8 // Call passOrFail with 80 as argument and print the returned value 9 println(passOrFail(80)) // Output: Pass
A Look at Void Functions

Some functions have no return value and just perform side effects. In Scala, these are referred to as Unit functions, where Unit signifies "no value". Here's an example of a Unit function that prints the multiplication table for a specific number:

1def printMultiplicationTable(num: Int): Unit = 2 for i <- 1 to 10 do 3 // Multiply num with numbers from 1 to 10, print results 4 println(s"$num x $i = ${num * i}") 5 6@main def run: Unit = 7 // Call printMultiplicationTable with 5 as argument 8 printMultiplicationTable(5)

This function has no return value. Its purpose is to print the multiplication table. If a function has a Unit return type, you can define it explicitly, but it's often optional since Scala will infer it.

If you need to perform an early return in a Unit function, you can use the return keyword, similar to functions with other return types. For example:

1def printPositiveOrNegative(num: Int): Unit = 2 if num < 0 then 3 println("Number is negative") // Early return with a side effect 4 return 5 6 println("Number is positive") // This will execute if the number is not negative 7 8@main def run: Unit = 9 // Call printPositiveOrNegative with -3 and 5 as arguments 10 printPositiveOrNegative(-3) // Output: Number is negative 11 printPositiveOrNegative(5) // Output: Number is positive
Lesson Summary

Well done! We've learned all about function return values in Scala, the return keyword, how to combine it with different data types, and even how to create Unit functions. Now, it's time for some practical, hands-on practice to reinforce these concepts. Happy coding!

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