Greetings! Today, we explore the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUCROC), an essential classification model and evaluation metric.
Using Python, we will develop the AUCROC
metric from scratch. First, we will grasp the concept of the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. Then, we will plot the ROC
curve and calculate the area under it to derive the AUCROC
metric. The final step will be the interpretation of this metric.
Our first step is comprehending the ROC
curve, a pivotal diagnostic tool for assessing binary classifiers. It graphically illustrates the performance of a classification model at all classification thresholds by plotting the True Positive Rate
(TPR) against the False Positive Rate
(FPR) on the Y-axis and X-axis, respectively.
The True Positive Rate (TPR), sometimes called sensitivity, measures the proportion of actual positives (truth_labels == 1) the model correctly identifies. In other words, it's a measure of the ability of the classifier to detect true positives.
The False Positive Rate (FPR) is the proportion of actual negatives (truth_labels == 0) that are incorrectly identified as positives by our model. It's the situation where the model falsely triggers a positive result.
Next, we will demonstrate the ROC
curve using Python. We will work with a small, randomly generated dataset, in which we will create truth values and predicted labels. We will calculate and record TPR
and FPR
for classification thresholds [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ..., 0.9, 1]
Python1from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 2from numpy import random 3 4truth_labels = [1 if random.rand() > 0.6 else 0 for _ in range(500)] 5# we generate some random predictions that would normally be obtained from the model 6# If a predicted probability is higher than the threshold, it is considered to be a positive outcome 7predicted_probs = [max(0, min(1, random.normal(loc=label, scale=0.3))) for label in truth_labels] 8 9def roc_curve(truth_labels, predicted_probs): 10 thresholds = [0.1 * i for i in range(11)] 11 tprs, fprs = [], [] 12 for threshold in thresholds: 13 tp = fp = tn = fn = 0 # initialize confusion matrix counts 14 # for each prediction 15 for i in range(len(truth_labels)): 16 # calculate confusion matrix counts 17 if predicted_probs[i] >= threshold: 18 if truth_labels[i] == 1: 19 tp += 1 20 else: 21 fp += 1 22 else: 23 if truth_labels[i] == 1: 24 fn += 1 25 else: 26 tn += 1 27 # track the TPR and FPR for this threshold 28 tprs.append(tp / (tp + fn)) # True Positive Rate (TPR) 29 fprs.append(fp / (tn + fp)) # False Positive Rate (FPR) 30 return tprs, fprs 31 32 33tprs, fprs = roc_curve(truth_labels, predicted_probs) 34plt.plot(fprs, tprs, marker='.')
Here is the result:
You can see a float value annotating each point. It is the prediction threshold that this point corresponds to.
curve is a graphical representation showing the performance of a classification model. But how do we interpret this plot?
In the ROC
curve, each point corresponds to a pair of TPR and FPR values calculated at a specific threshold and paints a picture of the trade-off between true positives (hits) and false positives (false alarms).
A perfect classifier would have a point at the top left of the plot, indicating a high TPR and low FPR regardless of the threshold. This point represents the desirable scenario where the model correctly classifies all positive cases without raising false alarms.
A less skillful classifier exhibits a curve closer to the diagonal line (called a line of no-discrimination), which means the model does no better than a random guess.
So, when analyzing the ROC
curve, the further away it is from the diagonal line to the top left corner, the better the model's classification ability.
Then, we will move to the AUCROC
curve, encapsulating the model's overall performance in a single value. A high AUC
symbolizes superior model performance.
Now for the math part: we will calculate the AUCROC
using the Trapezoidal rule. This numerical integration technique calculates the area under the curve by summing up the areas of the trapezoids. Given the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) on the ROC
curve, the area of the trapezoid formed is given by .
Python1def compute_aucroc(tprs, fprs): 2 aucroc = 0 3 for i in range(1, len(tprs)): 4 aucroc += 0.5 * abs(fprs[i] - fprs[i - 1]) * (tprs[i] + tprs[i - 1]) 5 return aucroc 6 7aucroc = compute_aucroc(tprs, fprs) 8print(f"The AUC-ROC value is: {aucroc}") # The AUC-ROC value is: 0.9827272125066242
, as a single scalar value, indicates the probability that the classifier will rate a randomly chosen positive instance higher than a randomly chosen negative one. In simple words, it measures the classifier's discriminative power.
Despite the complexity behind this metric, the interpretation is relatively straightforward:
close to 1 implies the model has a strong classification ability. It correctly ranks positive cases higher than negatives most of the time.
close to 0.5 suggests that the model cannot classify cases correctly, comparable to a random guess.
close to 0 might initially seem poor. However, this interesting situation indicates that the classifier consistently gives higher ranks to negative instances. If we reverse its predictions, we unexpectedly obtain a very successful model!
Congratulations! We have successfully created the AUCROC
for Logistic Regression from scratch. We unraveled the mystery of the ROC
curve, depicted it, computed the AUCROC
, and interpreted this metric. Now, brace yourself for hands-on exercises to reinforce your newfound knowledge.