Dictionaries and Sets in TypeScript
Dive into Hashing, Maps, and Sets in TypeScript with this specialized course where you will explore their implementation, practical applications, and problem-solving methodology in algorithms. Acquire hands-on experience and become proficient in addressing data analysis and management challenges.
Lessons and practices
Unique Library Inventory Task
Checking User Visits with TypeScript Sets
Managing Vintage Book Collection with Sets
Audience Overlap Detection in Two Markets
Unique ID Extraction Task
Identifying the First Unique Product Code
Anagram Length Counter
Managing Stock Inventory with TypeScript Map
Managing Inventory with TypeScript Maps
Manage Supermarket Inventory with TypeScript Maps
Managing Fruit Inventory with TypeScript Maps
Count Word Frequencies in a Hyphenated Phrase
Calculating Total Stock Quantity with TypeScript Maps
Identifying the Diligent Data Sender
Word Frequency Mapper in TypeScript
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