Fundamental Data Structures - Linked Lists in Go
This foundational course provides a deep dive into the understanding and application of Linked Lists in Go. The course elucidates the inner workings, implementation, and complexities of Linked Lists, along with their versatility in solving interview-oriented algorithmic coding challenges.
Lessons and practices
Add a New Station to the Railway Network
Adding Nodes to a Linked List in Go
Delete a Node from Linked List in Go
Update Node Struct and Methods to Include Station Names
Navigating Linked Lists in Reverse Order with Go
Determining the First Index of a Value in a Singly Linked List in Go
Removing Duplicates from the Start of a Singly Linked List in Go
Calculate Sum of Every Second Node in Linked List
Working with Linked Lists in Go
Clear and Verify Linked List in Go
Complete the Class Roster with LinkedList in Go
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