Applying Advanced Data Structures in Practice with Go
You will apply your knowledge of Go's advanced features, including comprehensive utilization of maps, slices, arrays, and nested slices through practical exercises. This will help solidify your skills and understanding of these structures.
Lessons and practices
Manage a Collection of Books with BookLibrary in Go
Planet Population Tracker Task
Log Management System in Go
Inventory Management System in Go
Address Book Manager in Go
Book Inventory Management System in Go
Build a Bidirectional Geographical Map in Go
Manage Conference Seat Assignments
Tag Management in Go
Managing a Book Library in Go
Managing Safety Inspection Records
Library Management System in Go
Personal Finance Tracker Implementation in Go
Filesystem Management in Go
Music Playlist Manager with Stacks in Go
Browser History Tracker in Go
Simple Storage Management System in Go
Ticket Booking System Implementation in Go
Navigation Using Stacks and Queues in Go
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