Introduction to MongoDB
This course takes you for a ride to understand MongoDB, introducing you to the world of NoSQL databases and data modeling skills. It will help you start building skills on one of the most popular databases used in web development.
Lessons and practices
Establishing Connection with MongoDB Database
Add the Planet Venus to the Cosmos Database
Database Transmission Alignment
Add MongoDB Connection to Fetch Planets Data
Creating a Space-themed Express Server with MongoDB Integration
Find a Book by Title in Library Database
Change Function to Find Books by Author
Librarian's Dilemma: Correcting the Book Retrieval System
Add the Database Query Logic to Fetch Books by a Specific Author
Create a MongoDB Schema and Model for a Library Catalog
Recording New Stars and Updating the Cosmos Database
Update Jupiter's Mass in MongoDB Database
Celestial Catalogue Update Challenge
Add New Data to the Space Database
Space API: Server Setup and Planet Registration
Navigating the Cosmic Database: Sorting Planets by Proximity to the Sun
Adjust Planetary Data Sorting by Mass
Cosmic Dashboard Planet Sorter
Ordering Planets by Mass in MongoDB
Sorting the Cosmos: Retrieving Large Planets by Proximity to the Sun
Decommissioning Inactive Planets in the Database
Decommission Inactive Satellite
Cosmic Database Cleanup
Add a Route for Decommissioning Small Planets
Stellar Deletion Endpoint Creation
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