This advanced course delves deeper into the understanding and application of Stacks and Queues in JavaScript. It elucidates the concept, implementation, and complexities of these data structures, with hands-on practice of solving interview-based algorithmic coding problems.
Managing a Bookstore Stack with JavaScript
Peek into the BookStack
Add a Book to the Library Stack
Stack Operation in the Library
Deciphering Alien Language: Bracket Matching Function Task
Decoding Alien Messages: Reversing Alphabetical Characters In A String Using JavaScript
Nearest Smaller Intergalactic Planets Identification
Designing the MaxStack Class for Intergalactic Warehouse Management
Queue Operations at the Amusement Park Ride
Enhance the Amusement Queue System
Manage the Amusement Park Ride Queue
Implement the Amusement Park Queue in JavaScript
Integrating Alien Civilizations' Knowledge: An Exercise in Queuing and Array Manipulation
Streaming Data Maximum Finder in a Moving Window