Advanced Built-In Data Structures and their Usage in C++
Embark on your journey of mastering advanced built-in data structures such as sorted maps, linked lists/queues, and stacks. This course will lay the foundational knowledge required to effectively manipulate these advanced data structures.
Lessons and practices
Cafeteria Tray Stack Management Fix
Determining Next Tray in Stack
Cafeteria Tray Stack Management Task
Balanced Parentheses Evaluation Using Stack Operations
Minimum Removals to Balance Parentheses in C++
Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Using Stacks
Supermarket Checkout Line Fix
Managing Morning Tasks Using Queues in C++
Managing a Task Queue with C++ Deque
Rotate a Deque to Move the Last Element to the Front
Simulating Coffee Shop Orders with Deque in C++
Fixing the Bug in Fruit Inventory Using std::map
Identifying Preceding Fruit in a Map
Determining the Successive Key in a std::map
Finding the Next Scheduled Event in C++ Using std::map
Aggregating Scores with std::multimap and std::map in C++
Organizing Employees Using Sorted Maps in C++
Using Custom Classes as Keys in C++ Maps
Using Custom Comparator with Player Class in Sorted Maps
Using Custom Classes in Sorted Maps
Inventory Management using Custom Sorted Maps in C++
Cafe Order Queue System Implementation
BrowserHistory Management with Deques
Priority-Based Order Management System
Efficient Task Scheduling with Custom Objects in C++
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