Concurrent Collections in Action
This practice-based course builds on concepts from "Synchronized and Concurrent Collections in Java." It includes real-world tasks centered on using concurrent collections, advanced synchronization techniques, and efficient data-sharing methods. Each unit presents practical scenarios where you'll tackle concurrency challenges and strengthen your skills.
Lessons and practices
Exploring Concurrent Inventory Systems
Apply Discount in Concurrent Inventory
Automatic Inventory Reorder System
Managing Inventory with Expiration Dates
Concurrent Shopping Cart with Inventory
Run the Thread-Safe Leaderboard
Invert Leaderboard Ranking Criteria
Extend the Leaderboard with remove
Find Player Scores in Leaderboard
Build a Traffic Congestion Tracker
Thread-Safe Messaging with Threads
Message Ordering in the Channel
Preventing Duplicate Messages
Clear All Messages
Real-Time Stock Price Monitor
Observe Producer-Consumer in Action
Debug the Producer-Consumer Pattern
Integrating Priority with Producer-Consumer
Write a Consumer that Aggregates and Summarizes Data
Producer Consumer Pattern with Stock Prices
Concurrency in Configuration Management
Handling Missing Configuration Values
Adding Property Check Functionality
Fixing Lock Issues in Configuration Management
Creating a Read-Only Config Manager
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