Building an MVC ToDo App with NestJS
In this course, we will focus on constructing a simple MVC-based ToDo application using NestJS. You will learn how to implement Models, Views, and Controllers in NestJS, reinforcing these concepts as you build each part of the application. By the end of this course, you will be able to create a fully functional ToDo application.
Lessons and practices
Running Our Basic MVC ToDo App
Adding a dueDate Field
Counting the Number of ToDos
Sort ToDo List By Date
Retrieve ToDo Item by ID
Fix the ToDo Retrieval Code
Retrieve ToDo Details by Title
Adding Validation to Methods
Creating New ToDo Items in Action
Implement Auto-Incrementing IDs for ToDo Items
Prevent Creation of Duplicate ToDo Titles
Default Values for New ToDo Items
Update and Delete ToDo Items
Add Delete All Functionality
Fix Description Overwriting
Implement Extending Due Date Functionality
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