Advanced RESTful Techniques in Spring Boot
In this chapter, you will learn advanced techniques for building RESTful APIs, including request validation, exception handling, working with complex request bodies, and customizing response headers. These techniques will help you create more robust and user-friendly APIs.
Lessons and practices
Validating Requests in Spring Boot
Change ToDo Title Length Constraint
Fixing Validation for ToDo Item Titles
Annotating TodoItem for Data Validation
Global Exception Handling Magic
Handling Custom Exceptions with @ExceptionHandler
Global Exception Handling using @ControllerAdvice
Fixing the issue in Exception Handling with ResponseStatusException
Understanding Content Negotiation in Spring Boot
Configure Content Negotiation with Request Parameters
Implementing Content Negotiation from Scratch
Handling Headers in Spring Boot
Refactor to Use HttpHeaders
Refactoring to Handle Optional Versioning Header
Adding ETag Header to To-Do Item Responses
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