Introduction to Spring Boot and Spring Core
This chapter introduces you to the core concepts of Spring, including the project structure, Spring Beans, dependency injection, and bean scopes. You will learn how to create and manage beans, understand the different injection methods, and explore the lifecycle of beans in a Spring Boot application.
Lessons and practices
Starting Your First Spring Boot Application
Change Server Port Configuration in Spring Boot
Adding Spring Boot Actuator Dependency
Spring Boot Bean Management Basics
Declaring Beans with @Component Annotation
Creating Spring Beans with the @Bean Annotation
Fix the Bean Configuration Bug
Spring Dependency Injection in Action
Switching from Setter Injection to Constructor Injection
Switching from Constructor Injection to Field Injection
Injecting Dependencies into SaladMaker
Creating and Injecting Beans Using @Bean Annotation
Understanding Spring Bean Scopes
Prototype Scopes for Bread and Cheese
Update Beans to Use Prototype Scope
Implementing Bean Lifecycle Methods in Spring Boot
Advanced Bean Wiring in Spring Boot
Optional Dependency Injection with java.util.Optional
Optional Dependencies with Setter Injection
Injecting Ingredient Collection into PizzaMaker
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