Securing Your NestJS App
In this course, we'll enhance our ToDo app's security using bcrypt for password hashing and JWT tokens for authentication. We'll also implement user-specific TODO items, ensuring each user can only access their own data. This will create a secure, personalized experience for our application.
Lessons and practices
User Registration and Management
Enhance User Registration Feedback
Enhance User Registration Process
Add User Login Endpoint in NestJS
User Registration in NestJS
Exploring JWT Authentication in NestJS
Improve Error Handling in Auth System
Enhance User Login Feedback
Add JWT to Your Auth System
Adding JWT Authentication with NestJS
Securing Endpoints with JWT Guards
Securing Endpoints with JWT Guards
Securing Endpoints with JWT Guards
Enhance NestJS Guard for Security
Securing Endpoints with JWT Guards
Mastering ToDo Services with NestJS
Enhance TodoService with NestJS
Enhance Todo Service's Functionality
Enhancing NestJS Todo Service
Enhance Todo Service Functionality
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