Basics of CSS

Delve into CSS in this course to boost your Frontend Engineering skills, starting from the basics to mastering styling with HTML using CSS syntax, selectors, and the box model. Learn to manipulate the design and layout, transforming an HTML document into a visually appealing webpage.

Lessons and practices

Mission Log: Day 1 - Styling Our Journey

Dawn of a New Venture

Cosmic Stylesheet Connection Issue

Starry Styles on a Cosmic Canvas

Styling the Galactic Header

Exploring CSS Selectors in the Cosmos

Alter the Sun Color

Cosmic Style Reconnaissance

Cosmic CSS: Styling the Planets

Styling the Solar System

Cosmic Color Transformation

Black Space Adventure

CSS Underline Misstep

Cosmic Styling: Illuminating the Moon

Mars Logbook Entry: A Styling Odyssey

Exploring the CSS Box Model in Action

Strengthening the Spacecraft Border

Cosmic Module Styling Diagnostic

Styling the Space Badge

Cosmic CSS: Constructing the Planet

Exploring Fixed Positioning in CSS

Experimenting with Z-Index

Stabilizing the Status Bar

Cosmic Control Panel Stabilization Challenge

Orbital Construction: A CSS Space Scene

Witnessing Flexbox and Grid in Action

Orbital Alignment in the Universe

Planetary Misalignment

Aligning the Cosmos: Adding Grid Layout to the Planetary Orbits

Aligning the Inner Planets with Flexbox

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Practice is how you turn knowledge into actual skills.