Projection, Filtering, and Aggregation of Data Streams in JS
Focusing on data manipulation operations, this course teaches how to perform data projection, filtering, and aggregation using JavaScript without needing advanced external libraries. You will learn how to use both procedural and functional programming techniques when applying filtering and aggregation on the data stream.
Lessons and practices
Update Method to Retrieve Last Element of DataStream
Identifying and Fixing a Method to Retrieve the Last Element in a Data Stream
First and Last Data Points in a Stream
Slicing and Converting Data Stream to String in JavaScript
Middle Element of Sliced DataStream
Filter Numbers Greater Than 20 in DataFilter Class
Fix the Bug to Filter Strings Longer than a Specified Threshold
Filter Even Numbers Using the filter() Method
Filtering Positive Even Numbers with filter Function
Filtering Values Below a Given Threshold
Projecting Fruit Colors Instead of Names
Fixing the DataProjector Class for Filtering and Projection
Enhancing Car Horsepower with Data Projection
Filtering and Increasing Prices of Expensive Products
Convert Temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius Using Data Projection Techniques
Calculating the Minimum Exam Score Using Reduce
Calculating Average Temperature in JavaScript
Find the Most Frequent Temperature Using Reduce Function
Counting Adults Using Reduce Function
Calculate Average Salary in Sales Department
Filtering and Aggregating Sales Data
DataStream Class: Implement Filter, Project, and Aggregate Methods
Data Manipulation Using JavaScript Classes
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