Getting Deep into Complex Algorithms for Interviews with C++
In this course, you'll delve deeply into algorithms and data structures, which are key topics in technical interviews. You'll tackle problems involving linked lists, binary trees, dynamic programming, and graph algorithms. Understanding these advanced topics will equip you with the tools needed to solve complex problems efficiently.
Lessons and practices
Palindrome Linked List
Swap Nodes in a Singly Linked List
Remove Duplicates from Unsorted Linked List
Rotate Linked List to the Right
Detect Cycle in a Linked List
Postorder Traversal of Binary Tree
Preorder Traversal of a Binary Tree
Finding the Second Minimum Value in a Binary Tree
Reverse a Binary Tree
Check if a Binary Tree is a Binary Search Tree
Efficient Fibonacci
Counting Distinct Ways to Climb Stairs
Minimum Steps to Transform Number
Coin Change Problem
Minimal Number of Perfect Squares
Shortest Path in a City Network
Finding Vertices Within Distance in an Undirected Graph
Shortest Route in a Game with Obstacles Using BFS
Shortest Path in a Binary Matrix
Knight Moves on a Chessboard
Generating All Distinct Permutations of an Array Using Recursion and Backtracking
Generating All Combinations of a String in C++
Generate All Valid Parentheses Combinations
Letter Case Combinations
Character Combinations from Multiple Strings in Word Game
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