Applying Advanced Data Structures on Practice
You will apply your knowledge of C#'s more advanced features, including comprehensive data structures like dictionaries, sets, tuples, and nested lists in practice. Solving practice challenges will help to master the skills you have just revised.
Lessons and practices
Managing a Book Library Collection in C Sharp
Product Management System in C#
Managing Locations with MapManager in C#
Simple Inventory Management System in C#
Shopping Basket Manager
Address Movie Management using Dictionary in C#
Managing Country-Capital Relationship with Dictionaries in C#
Managing Conference Seating Arrangements
Managing Unique Tags for Items in C#
Managing Library System in C#
Maintaining Safety Inspection Records
Managing Library Books and Authors in C#
Personal Finance Tracker Implementation
Implementing a Hierarchical File System in C#
Manage Playlist Operations Using Stacks
Managing Browser History with Stacks
Storage Management System with Queue and Stack
Implement a Ticket Booking System with Priority and Regular Customers
Navigating a 2D Grid with Direction Manager Using Stacks
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