Building a MVC ToDo App with Symfony
Take on the challenge of building your own ToDo app using the MVC pattern! This course will show you how to create Models, Views, and Controllers step-by-step. When you're done, you'll have a fully functional ToDo app you can be proud of.
Lessons and practices
Explore ToDo App Setup
Complete the App Setup
Find and Fix Symfony Bugs
Building a Todo Management Service
Implement the Route and Render Items in the Template
Create New ToDo Items
Update HTML and Controller Attributes
Finding Hidden Bugs While Adding Items
Complete the Create Methods
Creating ToDo Items Efficiently
View Details and Update Items
Completing the Update Feature
Fixing ToDo Update Bugs
Managing the ToDo Details Page
Update ToDo Items and Details
Observing and Deleting ToDo Items
Remove ToDo Items Efficiently
Find and Fix the Error
Implement ToDo Deletion Route
Integrating Delete Functionality to ToDo List
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