Advanced Functional Programming Techniques
In this course, you'll explore advanced functional programming techniques in Java. You'll learn about currying, partial application, function composition, higher-order functions, and functional object patterns, all to help you write more modular, reusable, and maintainable code.
Lessons and practices
Introduction to Currying
Fix the Curried Function Bug
Curried Car Creation
Currying with Multiplication
Curried Employee Creation
Understanding Partial Application
Fix Partial Application Logic
Add and Subtract Using Partial Application
Complete the Greeting Function
Salary Increment with Partial Application
Running Monads
Handle Potentially Null Values
Inventory System Error Handling
Using Map with Optional
E-commerce Order Processing System
Run and Observe Functor in Action
Modify Functor
Fix the Functor Mapping Bug
Adding a Map Method to Functor
Building Functors from Scratch
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