Managing Data with MongoDB and Mongoose
Master data management by integrating MongoDB into your Express.js applications using Mongoose. This course will guide you through setting up a database connection, creating and managing data models, performing data validations, and handling practical use cases.
Lessons and practices
Change Database and Welcome Message
Fix the Bug in Express
Complete Express and MongoDB Setup
Setting Up MongoDB Connection
Building a Heroes API Server
Adding New Fields to Schema
Fix the Mongoose Schema Bug
Building a Todo API
Define and Manage Mongoose Models
Building a Superhero API
Extend and Modify ToDo Routes
Fix the Broken ToDo Express Application
Add Missing Codes to Update a ToDo
Add Missing Codes to Delete a ToDo
Create a ToDo App Endpoint
Altering Model Relationships in Mongoose
Fix Relationships Between Models
Creating Mongoose Relationships
Add Model Relationships with Mongoose
Create Model Relationships from Scratch
Enhance Data Validation Logic
Fix Mongoose Validation Errors
Validate and Add Movies
Validating Book Entries in MongoDB
Validate and Handle Duplicates
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