Building on the basics, this course dives into Redis’s more advanced data structures. Learn how to leverage sets, sorted sets, bitmaps, and geospatial indexes for efficient data handling and unique use cases.
Counting Elements in a Redis Set
Fix the Error in Redis Set Operations
Adding UNESCO World Heritage Sites to a Redis Set
Practice with Redis Sets and JavaScript
Add and Retrieve Unique Movie Titles in Redis Set
Retrieve the Top 3 Players from the Leaderboard
Fix the Redis Sorted Set Leaderboard
Retrieve Lowest Scoring Players
Adding and Retrieving Members in a Redis Sorted Set
Managing a Leaderboard with Redis Sorted Sets
Adding and Retrieving Product Prices from Redis Sorted Set
Exploring Bitmaps in Redis Using JavaScript
Tracking Artists' Active Status Using Bitmaps in Redis
Storing and Retrieving User Activity Status with Redis Bitmaps
Tracking User Online Status with Redis Bitmaps
Calculating Distance Between Two Cities Using Redis Geospatial Indexes
Calculating Distance Between Palermo and Paris
Changing Distance Calculation to Miles
Geospatial Indexes in Redis: Adding Locations and Calculating Distances
Geospatial Indexing in Redis with JavaScript