Redis is an in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker. This course introduces the essential concepts and operations of Redis, including connecting to a Redis server, working with numbers, performing basic operations, and handling data structures such as lists and hashes using Node.js.
Storing and Retrieving a New Value in Redis
Storing and Retrieving Multiline Strings in Redis
Fix the Error in Connecting to Redis and Retrieving a Value
Store and Retrieve a String in Redis
Connecting to a Redis Server in JavaScript
Working with Numbers in Redis
Debug and Increment Redis Count
Filling Missing Parts to Work with Numbers in Redis
Connecting to Redis and Working with Numeric Values
Running Numeric Operations in Redis
Decrement and Increment Operations in Redis
Fix the Redis Numeric Operations Bug
Incrementing and Decrementing Values in Redis
Performing Numeric Operations in Redis with JavaScript
Using the `lIndex` Command to Retrieve Elements in Redis Lists
Using lpush to Add Items to a Redis List
Extracting the First Two Students from a Redis List
Fix the Bug to Print the First Student in the List
Accessing and Removing Elements
Adding and Retrieving Movies from Redis List
Create and Retrieve a Redis List of Famous Books
Adding a Country Field to Redis Hash
Remove a Field from Hash
Retrieve Username from Redis Hash
Identifying and Fixing Hash Retrieval Error in Redis Script
Storing and Retrieving Movie Details in Redis Using Hashes
Storing and Retrieving Travel Destination Details Using Redis Hashes