Creational design patterns are essential for managing object creation mechanisms, which promote flexibility, code reuse, and robustness. This course covers widely used creational patterns like Singleton, Factory Method, Abstract Factory, and Builder, demonstrating their applications in solving real-world programming challenges.
Add Logging Count to Singleton Pattern
Prefix Log Messages with Severity Level
MusicPlayer Singleton Implementation
Completing the Singleton ConfigManager
Implementing the Singleton Pattern with Logger
Adding PDFDocument to Factory Method Pattern
Factory Method Pattern for Cars
Factory Method Pattern for Vehicles
Implementing Factory Method Pattern for Notification Management
Creating a Beverage System with the Factory Method Pattern
Implement Linux Style in Abstract Factory Pattern
Abstract Factory Pattern for Gaming Accessories
Creating and Rendering UI Components
Creating a Meal-Ordering Application
Creating an Abstract Factory Pattern for Space Missions
Modify the Builder to Create a BrickHouse
Implementing WoodenHouseBuilder with Builder Pattern
Implementing Robots and Robot Builders
Implement the Builder Pattern for Creating a ConcreteHouse
Building a Humanoid Robot in Python
Creating a Loan Application
Implementing Singleton and Abstract Factory Patterns in a Banking System
Writing a Customer Database from Scratch