Learn to create powerful visualizations using ggplot2. This course takes you through the fundamentals of plotting, exploring various geom layers, and enhancing your visualizations with themes and annotations.
Change Scatter Plot Variables
Find and Fix the Plot
Creating Basic Scatter Plots
Create a Petal Scatter Plot
Scatter Plot with Airquality Dataset
Change Variables in Scatter Plot
Fix the Broken Scatter Plot
Enhance Your Scatter Plots
Enhance the Scatter Plot
Create a Scatter Plot
Change Plot Axes and Labels
Fix the ggplot2 Code
Add Labels to ggplot2
Enhance Plot with Labels
Write ggplot2 Scatter Plot Labels
Update the Bar Plots of Species
Fix the Visualization Bugs
Complete the Plot Code
Enhance Your Data Plots
Create Bar Plots and Histograms
Customize and Save Petal Plot
Fixing Plot Customization Bugs
Customize and Save Your Plot
Completing mtcars Scatterplot
Customize and Save iris Scatterplot