GraphQL Mutations and Advanced Apollo Server
Go deeper into GraphQL by setting up data mutations, managing complex queries with parameters, and handling server-side subscriptions. Learn to utilize Apollo Server to manage mutations for creating, updating, and deleting resources.
Lessons and practices
Adding a Genre to Books
Fix the GraphQL Mutation Error
Add a Song Mutation
Add Multiple and Delete Multiple
Build GraphQL Mutations from Scratch
Changing Authors to Publishers in GraphQL
Fix GraphQL Server Bugs
Writing Nested Resolvers in GraphQL
Add Nested Resolvers for Movies
Adding Subscription for Updated Book
Fix GraphQL Subscription Bugs
Implement Subscriptions in GraphQL Server
Real-Time Magazine Subscriptions
Real-Time Updates with Subscriptions
Switch to Movie Data in GraphQL
Fix Apollo Server Bugs
Fetching Data with Apollo Server
Fill in the GraphQL Server
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