Go Deeper into Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Dive into deeper exploratory data analysis with the diamonds dataset. Learn to create visualizations that help uncover intricate patterns within the data.
Lessons and practices
Adjust Box Plot Settings
Debug the Box Plot Code
Create a Box Plot
Customizing a Box Plot
Create a Diamond Price Box Plot from Scratch
Adjust Plot Transparency
Fix Scatter Plot Error
Scatter Plot Customization with Seaborn
Customize the Scatter Plot
Create a Diamond Price Plot
Change the Y-Axis to Depth
Fix the Violin Plot Errors
Complete the Violin Plot Code
Creating a Violin Plot with Inner Quartiles
Create a Customized Violin Plot from Scratch
Add Hue to Strip Plot
Fixing Common Strip Plot Errors
Customizing the Strip Plot
Creating a Strip Plot
Creating a Strip Plot
Exploring Diamonds with Pairplot
Fix Common Pairplot Errors
Pairplot Magic with Diamonds Dataset
Creating Insightful Pairplots in Seaborn
Creating Pairplots from Scratch
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