JavaScript Programming for Beginners

String Manipulation for JS Beginners

Hone your skills in string manipulation and text data handling. Become more proficient in JavaScript string operations, including reformatting and parsing, and learn how to manage text data effectively for a variety of programming tasks.

Lessons and practices

Cosmic Status Update: String Operations in Action

String Manipulation for Space Announcements

Malfunction in the Communication Code

Craft the Launch Announcement

Final Orbit: Composing the Space Mission Announcement

Comparing String Formatting in JavaScript Weather Report

Adding Weather Conditions to Forecast Message

Clear Skies in the Code

Crafting a Weather Message with Template Literals

Escape to Oz with JavaScript Strings

Escaping Into Wonderland

Escaping Through Wonderland

Escaping into Literature: Craft the Dialogue

Stellar Search and Replace Challenge

Updating Comet Sightings to Asteroid Alerts

Cosmic Code Tracker: Logbook Anomaly

Uncover the Cosmic Code

Stellar Code Transformation: from Stars to Planets

Mapping the Starry Route

Sorting Planets in the Alien Message

Decrypting the Interstellar Transmission

Joining the Dots in Space: Creating a Dashed Message

Cosmic Code: Reversing the Order of the Stars

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