Explore the concept of iterations in Swift programming for efficient automation of repetitive tasks. This course focuses on "for" loops, "while" loops, and using these to process data collections like mission logs, planets lists, and more in a space exploration context.
Running a Basic For Loop
Reverse Loop Through Planets
Fix the Loop Bug
Iterate Over Space Stations
Loop Through Planets and Indexes
Controlling Loops with Break
Changing Failure: Navigation to Life Support
Fixing Spacecraft System Checks
Controlling Loops with Break
Master Loop Control in Swift
Using While Loops in Swift
Monitoring Oxygen Levels with Loops
Fix the Looping Bug
Monitoring Energy Reserves
While Loop Temperature Check
Nested Loops in Action
Enhance Nested Loop Functionality
Fix Nested Loop Bug
Nested Loops on Planets
Nested Loops Mastery Test
Advanced Looping in Action
Add Jupiter to Travel Plan
Fixing Looping Bug in Swift
Complete the Planetary Travel Calculator
Calculate Travel Time and Countdown