Functions In Clojure
Learn how to structure your Clojure programs effectively. This course covers defining functions, handling multiple arity, working with variable arguments, and managing local bindings. You will also learn how to add documentation to your functions and metadata, enabling you to write more organized and maintainable Clojure code.
Lessons and practices
Running Our First Clojure Functions
Converting Function Definitions
Converting Function Definitions 2
Calling a function
Enhance the Function With Player Name
Writing Functions for a Shooter Game
Running Multi-Arity Functions
Add Extra Arity
Extending Function with Zero Arity
Write a Multi-Arity Function
Total Score Calculation Task
Calculate Sum of Mission Scores
Calculate Total Health Easily
Calculate Total Number of Activities
Total Defense Calculation
Mastering Local Bindings in Clojure
Enhancing Effective Attack Power
Calculate Hero's Defense Power
Understanding Underscore Identifier
Printing Intermediate Attack Power
Calculate Effective Defense Power
Documenting Clojure Functions
Enhance Function Docstring
Adding Documentation to the Existing Function
Understanding Function Metadata
Transferring Function Docstrings to Metadata
Completing Function Docstrings and Metadata
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