Introduction to Programming with Ruby

Mastering Control Structures in Ruby

This course targets Ruby's control structures, delving deep into decision-making techniques using if and case expressions. Understand how to employ these control structures efficiently to direct the flow of your program and handle varying conditions provided by user input or data manipulation.

Lessons and practices

Running Basic If Statements

Change Passport Check to Ticket

Changing Travel Destination Check

Enhance Travel Eligibility Check

Adding Another Travel Check

Travel Eligibility Checker in Ruby

Using If-Else for Travel Packages

Conditional Travel Planning

Modifying Age-Based Travel Packages

Fix the Travel Decision Code

Determine Your Travel Insurance Type

Determine the Visa Type

Write a Ruby If-Else Program

Simplify Decisions with Case Statements

Expand the Case Statement

Fix the Transportation Code

Fill in the Case Statement

Write a Case Statement from Scratch

Run Conditionals with Arrays and Hashes

Modify Travel and Fruit Check

Change Destination and Fruit Checks

Complete Code for Travel Planning

Determine Visit Status and Favorites

Combining Conditionals and Collections

Handling Complex Travel Requirements

Concert Attendance Conditions Explained

Adding a New Condition

Fix the Travel Checklist

Complete Travel Readiness Code

Master Nested Conditionals in Ruby

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