Data Transformation Techniques in Pandas
This course focuses on transforming your data to better suit analysis needs, including handling categorical data, performing date and time manipulations, and applying advanced filtering and sorting techniques. Through hands-on examples, you'll learn to reshape your datasets for optimized analysis.
Lessons and practices
Converting 'embarked' to Categorical in Titanic Dataset
Fix the Titanic Data Transformation
Handle and Encode Categorical Data
One-Hot Encode the Embarked Column
Analyzing Monthly Sales Trends
Extract Year from Sale Date
Analyzing Sales Data Over Time
Analyze Retail Sales Data Using Datetime Operations
Organizing a Library by Publication Year
Sorting Books in Descending Order
Ranking Library Books Based on Ratings
Sorting Library Books by Pages
Analyzing Toy Prices with Pivot Tables
Change the Aggregation Function
Toy Store Sales Pivot Table
Pivot Table Analysis for Toy Store Data
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