NumPy Basics

This course introduces you to the powerful NumPy library, which is the backbone for numerical and scientific computations in Python. You will learn how to create, manipulate, and operate on arrays, understand their key properties, and use array-based operations for efficient computations.

Lessons and practices

Space Fruit Salad Array Count

Salad Recipe Array Initialization

Array Creation for a Fruit Salad Recipe

Creating a NumPy Array for Salad Ingredients

Retail Sales Growth Calculation

Applying Discounts with NumPy

Calculating Total Revenue in Retail Sales

Calculating Discounted Prices with NumPy

Spectrogram Time Slice Analysis

Spectrogram Slicing Mission

Spectrogram Slice Adjustments

Accessing Elements in 2D NumPy Arrays

Decoding the Amplitude: Write NumPy Array Operations

Reshaping the Puzzle Floor

Reshape the Game Pieces

Reshape the Toy Array

Reshape the Universe of Toys and Games

Warm and Selected Days Data Analysis

Chilly Weather Selector

Weather Analysis Code Correction

Exploring Weather Patterns with NumPy

Class Performance Statistics with NumPy

Statistical Insight: Finding the Mode

Exploring Classroom Performance with NumPy

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