Mastering Graphs in Python
This course is designed to demonstrate the representation of a graph using adjacency graphs and adjacency matrices in Python. A core part of the course is dedicated to implementing and utilizing BFS and DFS algorithms in graphs. Explore the comprehensive use of graph data structures in solving intricate interview-based algorithmic problems.
Lessons and practices
Exploring Social Network Connections with an Adjacency Matrix
Change the Social Network Connections
Debugging the Friend Suggestions Algorithm
Adding Overlapping Teams Relationships Using an Adjacency Matrix
Building and Manipulating a Social Network with Adjacency Lists
Adding a New Band Collaboration to the Graph
Fixing the Bus Route Map
Adding a New Route to the Tour Map
Exploring States with Depth-First Search
Adjusting the Start Node for DFS Traversal
Debug and Correct the DFS Traversal
Implementing DFS Traversal for University Courses
Breadth-First Search in Action: Organizing a Space Party
Changing the Starting Point of BFS Traversal
Debugging BFS Traversal Algorithm
Implementing BFS Traversal from a Specific Start Node
Interstellar Shortest Path Finding in a Connected Graph
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