Embark on your journey of mastering advanced built-in data structures such as sorted maps, linked lists/queues, and stacks. This course will lay the foundational knowledge required to effectively manipulate these advanced data structures.
Cafeteria Stack Maintenance
Peek at the Next Tray Without Moving It
Manage Cafeteria Trays with a Stack in Python
Add Functionality to Check for Matching Brackets in Expressions
Balancing Parentheses With Stack Operations
Evaluating Prefix Expressions Using Stack Operations
Supermarket Checkout Line Debugging
Implementing a Task Queue
Implement Queue Processing Logic in a Print Job Simulation
Implement a Deque Rotation Logic in Python
Implement a Coffee Shop Queue
Rectify Population Dictionary Code
Add Peek Forward Feature to SortedDict Application
Implementing Key Succession Discovery in a SortedDict
Identifying the Subsequent Event Using SortedDict
Enhancing SortedDict with Custom Key Ordering
Sorting Employee Records by ID
Adding Publication Year to the Book Display in a Sorted Library Inventory
Creating a Sorted Leaderboard for Competitive Coding Sessions
Implementing a Bookshelf Class with Custom Sorting Logic
Using bisect_left and peekitem with a SortedDict and a Custom Class Key
Design and Implement a Cafe Order Queue System in Python
Implementing a Deque-Based Browser History Management System in Python
Implementing an Efficient Task Prioritization System using SortedDict in Python
Implementing a Task Scheduler with Custom Sorting